About the API:
This API provides an extensive list of recipes for your low-carb and keto needs. With more than a thousand recipes, this is one of the most complete API on this topic.
Just let the API surprise you with a random recipe or ask for a recipe based on what you want to cook. Receive ingredients, step-by-step, and nutrition information like calories, protein, and more...
This API is ideal for those developers that are creating a nutrition app. Be able to recommend your users the best recipes based on their needs and taste.
This API is also a good implementation for those food apps that provides information about dishes. Be able to provide your users with important information about their diet.
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{"id":"3e2d06c4-4851-48b5-a12a-973937bd0311","name":"Low Carb Avocado Pesto Noodles","tags":["beef-free","chicken-free","dairy-free","egg-free","fish-free","gluten-free","kid-friendly","lunch","main-dishes","peanut-free","pescatarian","pork-free","shellfish-free","soy-free","tree-nut-free","vegetarian","wheat-free"],"description":"Pesto is so delicious. The basil gives it such a fresh flavor and the nuts make it nutty and the parm gives it a nice bite. I love blending this with avocado because it makes for the creamiest pesto ever! Barely cook the zucchini so they stay crisp, but not raw. I used almonds in the recipe instead of traditional pine nuts which are higher in carbs.","prepareTime":20,"cookTime":2,"ingredients":[{"name":"Zucchini Noodles","servingSize":{"units":"cup, sliced","desc":"6 cup, sliced","qty":6.0,"grams":678.0,"scale":6.78}},{"name":"Kosher Salt","servingSize":{"units":"teaspoon","desc":"¾ teaspoon","qty":0.75,"grams":4.562,"scale":0.046}},{"name":"Avocado","servingSize":{"units":"avocado, California (black skin)","desc":"1 avocado, California","qty":1.0,"grams":136.0,"scale":1.36}},{"name":"Almonds","servingSize":{"units":"cup, whole, blanched","desc":"⅓ cup, whole, blanched","qty":0.333,"grams":48.333,"scale":0.483}},{"name":"Basil","servingSize":{"units":"cup","desc":"1 cup","qty":1.0,"grams":42.4,"scale":0.424}},{"name":"Olive Oil","servingSize":{"units":"cup","desc":"¼ cup","qty":0.25,"grams":54.0,"scale":0.54}},{"name":"Lemon Juice","servingSize":{"units":"tablespoon","desc":"1-½ tablespoon","qty":1.5,"grams":22.875,"scale":0.229}},{"name":"Olive Oil","servingSize":{"units":"teaspoon","desc":"1 teaspoon","qty":1.0,"grams":4.5,"scale":0.045}},{"name":"Parmesan Cheese","servingSize":{"units":"cup, grated","desc":"½ cup, grated","qty":0.5,"grams":56.501,"scale":1.993}}],"steps":["Cut zucchini with a spiralizer to make fine noodles. Place noodles on a paper towel lined baking sheet, sprinkle with ½ teaspoon kosher salt. This will help the water in the noodle to release. Place more paper towels on top and another baking sheet. Weigh the baking sheet down with a pan to squeeze water out of noodles.","In a food processor, combine peeled and cored avocado, almonds, fresh basil, olive oil, lemon juice and 3/4 cup grated parm. "," Pulse until creamy and combined well.","Heat a large saute pan over medium-high heat. Add oil until shimmering and saute noodles very briefly until they are no longer raw but still crunchy. ","In a large bowl toss the pesto with the noodles until combined. Top with extra grated parm cheese and serve!"],"servings":4,"servingSizes":[{"scale":1.0,"qty":1.0,"grams":127.575,"units":"servings","originalWeight":127.575,"originalWeightUnits":"g"}],"nutrients":{"caloriesKCal":340.988,"caloriesKJ":231.669,"totalCarbs":11.896,"diabetesCarbsADA":9.173,"netCarbs":6.256,"diabetesCarbs":6.256,"fiber":5.64,"starch":0.0,"sugar":5.556,"addedSugar":0.0,"sugarAlcohols":0.001,"protein":10.702,"fat":29.739,"transFat":0.111,"monousatFat":18.824,"polyunsatFat":3.895,"omega3Fat":0.042,"omega6Fat":0.038,"saturatedFat":5.566,"cholesterol":9.605,"vitaminA":76.54,"vitaminC":37.067,"vitaminD":0.067,"vitaminE":6.298,"vitaminK":67.442,"vitaminB1":0.136,"vitaminB2":0.381,"vitaminB3":1.91,"vitaminB5":0.064,"vitaminB6":0.413,"vitaminB12":0.169,"potassium":742.818,"magnesium":86.221,"calcium":250.151,"iron":1.808,"zinc":1.611,"copper":0.323,"phosphorus":245.052,"sodium":626.031,"selenium":3.994,"folate":83.03,"choline":30.903,"alcohol":0.0,"caffeine":0.0,"gluten":0.0,"manganese":0.003,"conjugatedLinoleicAcid":0.011,"phyticAcid":0.0,"xylitol":0.0,"isomalt":0.0,"sorbitol":0.0,"maltitol":0.0,"lactitol":0.0,"erythritol":0.0,"pinitol":0.0,"inositol":0.001,"mannitol":0.0},"image":"https://tinyurl.com/2p82zzca/3e2d06c4-4851-48b5-a12a-973937bd0311.png"}
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Search Recipes - Endpoint Features
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[{"id":"b5666639-d875-4e26-afed-899b26125b61","name":"Keto Battered Fish","tags":["beef-free","chicken-free","dairy-free","fish-free","gluten-free","keto","kid-friendly","lchf","meal-plan-ok","paleo","peanut-free","pescatarian","pork-free","shellfish-free","soy-free","wheat-free"],"description":"Delicious Keto battered fish is coated with coconut flour, baking powder, egg, and almond milk. Each strip of white fish is covered with coconut flour and then dipped into the low carb batter. The fish are fried in healthy fat (like avocado oil) that can handle a higher temperature. The result? Golden, brown, and delicious fried fish.\n\n### Why does the batter keep getting thicker?\n\nCoconut flour hydrates very well. The batter will need to be used immediately to avoid this. If it begins to thicken, add 2 tablespoons of almond milk to it to thin it out. You can also use almond flour (replace 1 cup almond flour for ⅓ cup of coconut flour) to avoid that situation altogether.\n\n### What is the best way to handle the battered fish once cooked?\n\nThe batter is very delicate due to its low carb nature. Gently place them in the frying oil and then carefully turn them with a spatula. Also, use a spatula to transfer them to the serving platter.\n\n### How do I reheat the fish?\n\nThe best way to reheat the fish is to saute them or bake them in the oven.\n\n### Why is the avocado for frying the fish not included in the ingredient list?\n\nThe oil pick up in the pan is minimal, but if the avocado oil were included in the recipe list, the macros for the recipe would be incorrect since you do not consume the frying oil.","prepareTime":20,"cookTime":15,"ingredients":[{"name":"Mild Flavor Swai Fillets by Kroger","servingSize":{"units":"fillet","desc":"2 fillet","qty":2.0,"grams":226.0,"scale":2.0}},{"name":"Coconut Flour","servingSize":{"units":"cup","desc":"⅓ cup","qty":0.333,"grams":37.0,"scale":0.333}},{"name":"Raw Egg","servingSize":{"units":"large","desc":"1 large","qty":1.0,"grams":50.0,"scale":1.0}},{"name":"Baking Powder","servingSize":{"units":"teaspoon","desc":"1 teaspoon","qty":1.0,"grams":5.0,"scale":1.0}},{"name":"Coarse Kosher Salt by Morton","servingSize":{"units":"tsp","desc":"1-½ tsp","qty":1.5,"grams":7.0,"scale":1.5}},{"name":"Almond Milk","servingSize":{"units":"cup","desc":"1 cup","qty":1.0,"grams":240.0,"scale":1.0}},{"name":"Coconut Flour","servingSize":{"units":"tablespoon","desc":"3 tablespoon","qty":3.0,"grams":21.0,"scale":0.188}},{"name":"Coarse Kosher Salt by Morton","servingSize":{"units":"tsp","desc":"½ tsp","qty":0.5,"grams":2.0,"scale":0.5}}],"steps":["Combine the coconut flour, egg, baking powder, 1 1/2 tsp kosher salt, and almond milk in a medium bowl. Whisk to remove any lumps.","Slice the fish in half lengthwise and then cut each piece in half. Cut each half into smaller strips about ½” thick. Place 3 tablespoons of coconut flour and ½ tsp kosher salt on a plate and place the fish strips into the coconut flour mixture. Move them around to dust the outside of each strip with the flour.","Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat until hot. Add enough avocado oil until there is ½” of oil in the pan. Allow it to heat for 30 more seconds. Dredge the fish strips in the batter and place the strips into the pan. Place the strips 1 ½” apart and allow them to fry for 2-3 minutes per side. ","Gently transfer the battered strips to a paper towel-lined plate using a spatula. Serve immediately!"],"servings":4,"servingSizes":[{"scale":1.0,"qty":1.0,"grams":141.75,"units":"portions"}],"nutrients":{"caloriesKCal":175.161,"caloriesKJ":732.873,"totalCarbs":9.077,"diabetesCarbsADA":6.144,"netCarbs":3.201,"diabetesCarbs":3.206,"fiber":5.866,"starch":2.409,"sugar":1.251,"addedSugar":0.0,"sugarAlcohols":0.009,"protein":14.421,"fat":8.536,"transFat":0.0,"monousatFat":0.905,"polyunsatFat":0.331,"omega3Fat":0.009,"omega6Fat":0.323,"saturatedFat":3.29,"cholesterol":74.125,"vitaminA":56.16,"vitaminC":0.0,"vitaminD":0.897,"vitaminE":2.655,"vitaminK":0.052,"vitaminB1":0.019,"vitaminB2":0.092,"vitaminB3":0.136,"vitaminB5":0.29,"vitaminB6":0.058,"vitaminB12":0.139,"potassium":129.889,"magnesium":17.81,"calcium":186.324,"iron":0.643,"zinc":0.443,"copper":0.123,"phosphorus":80.729,"sodium":1371.11,"selenium":6.412,"folate":7.218,"choline":40.382,"alcohol":0.043,"caffeine":0.0,"gluten":0.0,"manganese":0.397,"conjugatedLinoleicAcid":0.0,"phyticAcid":166.022,"xylitol":0.0,"isomalt":0.0,"sorbitol":0.0,"maltitol":0.0,"lactitol":0.0,"erythritol":0.0,"pinitol":0.0,"inositol":0.009,"mannitol":0.0},"image":"https://tinyurl.com/2p82zzca/b5666639-d875-4e26-afed-899b26125b61.png"},{"id":"17ea9c9c-1763-4903-93a4-50b1ee67a258","name":"Keto Fish Fingers","tags":["beef-free","chicken-free","dairy-free","gluten-free","keto","lchf","peanut-free","pescatarian","pork-free","relevant-meal--main-dishes","shellfish-free","soy-free","wheat-free"],"description":"These keto fish fingers are coated in a crisp and golden ground almond crumb, seasoned with lemon and fresh thyme.\n\nPerfect served with a side salad, keto fries and mayonnaise.","prepareTime":7,"cookTime":18,"ingredients":[{"name":"Cod, Cooked From Fresh","servingSize":{"units":"fillet - each 4 ounce raw","desc":"2 fillet - each 4 ounce raw","qty":2.0,"grams":180.0,"scale":6.349}},{"name":"Food Cupboard Home Baking Almonds Ground by Sainsbury's","servingSize":{"units":"ounce","desc":"4 ounce","qty":4.0,"grams":113.0,"scale":1.134}},{"name":"Thyme, Fresh","servingSize":{"units":"teaspoon, chopped","desc":"1 teaspoon, chopped","qty":1.0,"scale":0.333}},{"name":"Lemon Peel Or Zest Raw","servingSize":{"units":"tsp","desc":"1 tsp","qty":1.0,"grams":2.0,"scale":0.333}},{"name":"Raw Egg Whole","servingSize":{"units":"small","desc":"1 small","qty":1.0,"grams":37.0,"scale":0.152}},{"name":"Salt, Sea Salt","servingSize":{"units":"teaspoon","desc":"¼ teaspoon","qty":0.25,"grams":2.0,"scale":0.25}},{"name":"Black Pepper","servingSize":{"units":"teaspoon","desc":"⅛ teaspoon","qty":0.125,"scale":0.125}}],"steps":["Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and line a shallow oven tray with baking paper.","Slice the cod into even sized rectangles.","Add the almonds, seasoning, zest and thyme to a mixing bowl. Mix well to combine.","Beat the egg and coat the fish pieces all over with the egg mix.","Tip the breading mixture out onto a clean work surface or baking sheet and roll the fish in the crumb so that it is evenly coated all over.","Transfer to the lined baking tray and cook for 15-18 minutes or until the fish is cooked through and the breading is crisp and golden."],"servings":2,"servingSizes":[{"scale":1.0,"qty":1.0,"grams":102.06,"units":"servings (3 fish fingers)"}],"nutrients":{"caloriesKCal":457.265,"caloriesKJ":1913.195,"totalCarbs":8.373,"diabetesCarbsADA":8.373,"netCarbs":3.979,"diabetesCarbs":3.979,"fiber":4.394,"starch":0.058,"sugar":2.456,"addedSugar":0.0,"sugarAlcohols":0.0,"protein":34.932,"fat":33.83,"transFat":0.001,"monousatFat":20.034,"polyunsatFat":8.292,"omega3Fat":0.076,"omega6Fat":0.025,"saturatedFat":3.286,"cholesterol":133.155,"vitaminA":29.068,"vitaminC":1.93,"vitaminD":0.432,"vitaminE":0.487,"vitaminK":0.291,"vitaminB1":0.052,"vitaminB2":0.145,"vitaminB3":1.353,"vitaminB5":0.361,"vitaminB6":0.164,"vitaminB12":2.524,"potassium":365.535,"magnesium":34.823,"calcium":29.369,"iron":0.574,"zinc":0.604,"copper":0.041,"phosphorus":220.606,"sodium":495.598,"selenium":33.605,"folate":17.129,"choline":78.902,"alcohol":0.0,"caffeine":0.0,"gluten":0.0,"manganese":0.036,"conjugatedLinoleicAcid":0.0,"phyticAcid":0.418,"xylitol":0.0,"isomalt":0.0,"sorbitol":0.0,"maltitol":0.0,"lactitol":0.0,"erythritol":0.0,"pinitol":0.0,"inositol":0.0,"mannitol":0.0},"image":"https://tinyurl.com/2p82zzca/17ea9c9c-1763-4903-93a4-50b1ee67a258.png"},{"id":"96439c25-ddeb-4a21-b789-26286563693f","name":"Keto Fish Sticks","tags":["beef-free","chicken-free","gluten-free","keto","kid-friendly","lchf","meal-plan-ok","peanut-free","pork-free","relevant-meal--lunch","shellfish-free","wheat-free"],"description":"These keto fish sticks might be better than what you remember as a kid! A seasoned breading made of parmesan is crunchy and just a little salty. The cod creates super flaky and tender bites that outshine the overly-processed frozen meals you would buy at a grocery store. Kids and adults alike can enjoy this recipe!\n\n*Please note that some ingredients in Step 1 call for different amounts than what is listed in the ingredient list. This is to accurately log your nutrition, since not all ingredients needed will be consumed.\n\nJessica L.","prepareTime":20,"cookTime":30,"ingredients":[{"name":"Almond Flour","servingSize":{"units":"tablespoon","desc":"5 tablespoon","qty":5.0,"grams":35.0,"scale":0.313}},{"name":"Salt","servingSize":{"units":"teaspoon","desc":"¼ teaspoon","qty":0.25,"grams":2.0,"scale":0.25}},{"name":"Parmesan Cheese, Fresh (hard)","servingSize":{"units":"cup, shredded","desc":"1 cup, shredded","qty":1.0,"grams":113.0,"scale":3.986}},{"name":"Black Pepper, Ground","servingSize":{"units":"teaspoon","desc":"¼ teaspoon","qty":0.25,"scale":0.25}},{"name":"Onion Powder","servingSize":{"units":"teaspoon","desc":"½ teaspoon","qty":0.5,"scale":0.5}},{"name":"Italian Seasoning","servingSize":{"units":"teaspoon","desc":"½ teaspoon","qty":0.5,"scale":0.5}},{"name":"Raw Egg","servingSize":{"units":"large","desc":"1 large","qty":1.0,"grams":50.0,"scale":1.0}},{"name":"Raw Atlantic Cod","servingSize":{"units":"oz","desc":"10 oz","qty":10.0,"grams":283.0,"scale":1.227}}],"steps":["Preheat an oven to 400 degrees and line a sheet tray with parchment paper. To prepare the breading for the fish sticks, combine ½ cup of almond flour with the salt on a small plate and set this aside. On a second small plate, combine the parmesan with the pepper, onion powder, and italian seasoning, then set it aside. Finally, in a bowl, whisk together 2 eggs.","Pat dry your cod fillets. Cut approximat...
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