IP Lookup Service API

IP Lookup Service API

Discover the world at your fingertips with our IP Lookup Service API. Effortlessly unveil the geographical insights behind any IP address, whether IPv4 or IPv6. Empower your applications with precise location data, unraveling the digital footprints that traverse the vast expanse of the internet.

API description

About the API:  

Embark on a digital journey through cyberspace with our IP Lookup Service API. Seamlessly decipher the geographical footprint of any valid IP address, transcending the realms of IPv4 and IPv6. Delve into the intricate web of connectivity, unveiling the geographic coordinates, city, region, country, and even ISP details associated with each IP.

Empower your applications with unparalleled insights into the origins of internet traffic. Whether you're combating fraudulent activities, enhancing user experiences, or optimizing content delivery, our API equips you with the tools to tailor experiences based on location intelligence.

From network security to targeted marketing campaigns, the applications are limitless. Developers can effortlessly integrate our API into their platforms, enriching functionalities with location-based services. Unleash the potential of geolocation data to drive innovation, efficiency, and strategic decision-making.

Stay ahead of the curve with real-time updates and comprehensive data coverage. Whether you're building a cybersecurity solution, refining geo-targeted advertisements, or optimizing network routing, our API provides the foundation for success in the digital age.

Experience the power of geospatial insights with our IP Lookup Service API — your gateway to understanding the geographical fabric of the internet. Join the ranks of leading innovators harnessing location intelligence to redefine the possibilities of online interactions.


What this API receives and what your API provides (input/output)?

The IP Lookup Service API provides location information for any valid IP address. It works with both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.


What are the most common uses cases of this API?

  1. Network Security Enhancement: Utilize the IP Lookup Service API to bolster network security measures by identifying and blocking potentially malicious IP addresses. By cross-referencing IP location data with known threat databases, security systems can proactively defend against cyberattacks, unauthorized access attempts, and other security threats.

  2. Content Localization and Personalization: Leverage the API to deliver personalized content and localized experiences to users based on their geographical location. Websites, e-commerce platforms, and digital services can tailor content, language, and offerings to match the preferences and cultural context of users, enhancing engagement and driving conversions.

  3. Fraud Detection and Prevention: Integrate the IP Lookup Service API into fraud detection systems to flag suspicious activities originating from unexpected or anomalous locations. By analyzing IP location data in real-time, financial institutions, e-commerce platforms, and online service providers can detect and prevent fraudulent transactions, account takeovers, and identity theft attempts.

  4. Geotargeted Advertising: Enhance digital marketing campaigns by leveraging the API to target advertisements based on users' geographic locations. Ad platforms and marketers can deliver relevant ads to users in specific regions, optimizing ad spend, increasing click-through rates, and maximizing the effectiveness of targeted marketing efforts.

  5. Network Optimization and Performance Management: Optimize network routing and performance by using the API to analyze the geographic distribution of users and optimize content delivery networks (CDNs) and server infrastructures accordingly. By reducing latency and optimizing data routing paths, organizations can enhance the speed, reliability, and scalability of their online services and applications.


Are there any limitations to your plans?

Besides the number of API calls per plan, there are no other limitations.

API Documentation


Returns the location of the IP address specified. The response contains both the geographical coordinates (latitude/longitude) as well as the city and country.


Response Fields

address: The IP address of the query

timezone: The time zone related to the IP address


region: The region name where the IP address is located. In the United States, this is equivalent to the state.

region_code: The region code of the IP address location. In the United States, this is equivalent to the 2-letter state abbreviation.

country: The name of the country where the IP address is located

country_code: The 2-letter country code of the IP address location

is_valid: The validity status of the IP address

isp: The Internet Service Provider associated with the IP address

GET https://www.zylalabs.com/api/3557/ip+lookup+service+api/3918/lookup

Lookup - Endpoint Features
Object Description
address [Required] IP address lookup.
Test Endpoint


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            {"is_valid": true, "country": "United States", "country_code": "US", "region_code": "IL", "region": "Illinois", "timezone": "America/Chicago", "isp": "Comcast Cable Communications, LLC", "address": ""}


curl --location --request GET 'https://zylalabs.com/api/3557/ip+lookup+service+api/3918/lookup?address=' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


API Access Key & Authentication

After signing up, every developer is assigned a personal API access key, a unique combination of letters and digits provided to access to our API endpoint. To authenticate with the IP Lookup Service API REST API, simply include your bearer token in the Authorization header.


Header Description
Authorization [Required] Should be Bearer access_key. See "Your API Access Key" above when you are subscribed.

Simple Transparent Pricing

No long term commitments. One click upgrade/downgrade or cancellation. No questions asked.

🚀 Enterprise
Starts at $10,000/Year

  • Custom Volume
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Service-level agreement (SLA)

Customer favorite features

  • ✔︎ Only Pay for Successful Requests
  • ✔︎ Free 7-Day Trial
  • ✔︎ Multi-Language Support
  • ✔︎ One API Key, All APIs.
  • ✔︎ Intuitive Dashboard
  • ✔︎ Comprehensive Error Handling
  • ✔︎ Developer-Friendly Docs
  • ✔︎ Postman Integration
  • ✔︎ Secure HTTPS Connections
  • ✔︎ Reliable Uptime

The IP Lookup Service API is a tool that provides location information for any valid IP address, enabling users to determine the geographic location, city, region, country, and ISP details associated with a given IP.

The API utilizes a combination of geolocation databases, IP address mapping techniques, and real-time data sources to accurately determine the location of an IP address.

Yes, the API is designed to work seamlessly with both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, ensuring compatibility with all types of IP addresses.

The API returns comprehensive location information, including latitude and longitude coordinates, city name, region or state, country name, and details of the Internet Service Provider (ISP) associated with the IP address.

The location database used by the API is updated regularly to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the location information provided to users.

Zyla API Hub is, in other words, an API MarketPlace. An all-in-one solution for your developing needs. You will be accessing our extended list of APIs with only your user. Also, you won't need to worry about storing API keys, only one API key for all our products is needed.

Prices are listed in USD. We accept all major debit and credit cards. Our payment system uses the latest security technology and is powered by Stripe, one of the world’s most reliable payment companies. If you have any trouble with paying by card, just contact us at [email protected]

Sometimes depending on the bank's fraud protection settings, a bank will decline the validation charge we make when we attempt to be sure a card is valid. We recommend first contacting your bank to see if they are blocking our charges. If more help is needed, please contact [email protected] and our team will investigate further

Prices are based on a recurring monthly subscription depending on the plan selected — plus overage fees applied when a developer exceeds a plan’s quota limits. In this example, you'll see the base plan amount as well as a quota limit of API requests. Be sure to notice the overage fee because you will be charged for each additional request.

Zyla API Hub works on a recurring monthly subscription system. Your billing cycle will start the day you purchase one of the paid plans, and it will renew the same day of the next month. So be aware to cancel your subscription beforehand if you want to avoid future charges.

Just go to the pricing page of that API and select the plan that you want to upgrade to. You will only be charged the full amount of that plan, but you will be enjoying the features that the plan offers right away.

Yes, absolutely. If you want to cancel your plan, simply go to your account and cancel on the Billing page. Upgrades, downgrades, and cancellations are immediate.

You can contact us through our chat channel to receive immediate assistance. We are always online from 9 am to 6 pm (GMT+1). If you reach us after that time, we will be in contact when we are back. Also you can contact us via email to [email protected]

 Service Level
 Response Time



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