Doc to Text API

Doc to Text API

Unlock the power of data with DocToText API – your ultimate solution for seamless document conversion. From DOC and PDF to images and emails, effortlessly transform diverse formats into plain text and HTML. Whether it's a small task or a large-scale project, experience top-tier OCR and email parsing capabilities. Simplify your data extraction journey today.

API description

About the API:  


Empower Your Data Journey with DocToText API

DocToText API stands as the cornerstone of efficient data extraction, tailored for both small tasks and large-scale projects. This versatile tool seamlessly converts an extensive array of formats, including DOC, XLS, PPT, PDF, various email formats, and images, into plain text and HTML.

Advanced-Data Extraction Capabilities:

At the heart of DocToText API lies its cutting-edge OCR technology. Whether dealing with scanned documents, images, or complex PDFs, its high-grade, scriptable, and trainable OCR ensures accurate and reliable text extraction. This is complemented by robust email parsing capabilities, allowing seamless processing of EML, PST, OST, and other email formats.

Comprehensive Format Support:

DocToText API supports an impressive range of formats, from common office files like DOCX and XLSX to specialized formats such as iWork (PAGES, NUMBERS, KEYNOTE) and Outlook (PST, OST). Its flexibility extends to image formats like JPG, PNG, and TIFF, enabling extraction from various sources.

Seamless Integration for Every Project:

Whether you're managing a data-intensive enterprise application, conducting research, or automating routine office tasks, DocToText API integrates effortlessly into your workflow. Its adaptability allows for easy incorporation into diverse platforms, ensuring smooth data processing without disrupting your existing systems.

Customizable and Scalable:

DocToText API’s scriptable and trainable OCR capabilities enable customization for specific project requirements. It scales seamlessly, accommodating both small-scale tasks and high-volume data extraction projects. Its robustness ensures accuracy and consistency, even in demanding environments.

Reliable and Future-Ready:

DocToText API not only caters to your current needs but is also future-ready, accommodating emerging formats and technologies. Its continuous updates and enhancements guarantee that you're always equipped with the latest tools for efficient data extraction, making it an indispensable asset for businesses and developers alike. Simplify your data extraction challenges with DocToText API, your key to accurate, reliable, and scalable text extraction solutions.


What this API receives and what your API provides (input/output)?

Pass any document of your choice and receive the recognized text. 



What are the most common use cases of this API?

  1. Digital Archiving and Document Management: Businesses and organizations can use the DocToText API to convert large volumes of documents, including scanned images and PDFs, into searchable and editable text. This facilitates efficient digital archiving and document management, enabling easy retrieval and editing of information. Libraries, historical societies, and governmental organizations can digitize historical documents for preservation and research purposes.

  2. Business Intelligence and Data Analysis: Enterprises can employ the DocToText API to extract textual data from various reports, invoices, and financial documents. By converting this data into structured formats, such as CSV or JSON, businesses can perform in-depth data analysis. This use case is particularly valuable for financial institutions, market research firms, and e-commerce platforms, helping them gain valuable insights from textual data.

  3. Content Aggregation and Analysis: Media monitoring companies, news agencies, and content aggregators can utilize the DocToText API to extract text from articles, blogs, and social media posts. By converting this unstructured data into readable text, these organizations can automate the process of content aggregation. Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms can then be applied for sentiment analysis, topic modeling, and other forms of content analysis.

  4. Automated Customer Support and Service: Companies with large volumes of customer interactions, such as emails and support tickets, can benefit from the DocToText API. By converting customer queries and feedback into plain text, businesses can employ chatbots and automated systems to provide quick and accurate responses. This not only improves customer satisfaction by providing timely support but also reduces the workload on human customer support agents.

  5. Data Enrichment for Machine Learning Models: Machine learning developers and data scientists can use the DocToText API to preprocess textual data for training machine learning models. By converting documents into plain text, this API ensures that the data is in a consistent format, ready for feature extraction and model training. This use case is crucial in various applications, including sentiment analysis, language translation, and text summarization.


Are there any limitations to your plans?

Besides the number of API calls available for the plan, there are no other limitations.

API Documentation


Send file for extraction

Formats include:



Extract Text - Endpoint Features
Object Description
Request Body [Required] File Binary
Test Endpoint



IP Address Classes Range:

Class                           IP Address Range (Theoretical)  Application / Used for        
A                      to      Very large networks           
B                      to    Medium networks               
C                      to    Small networks                
D                      to    Multicast                     


Extract Text - CODE SNIPPETS

    curl --location '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    --form 'image=@"FILE_PATH"'

API Access Key & Authentication

After signing up, every developer is assigned a personal API access key, a unique combination of letters and digits provided to access to our API endpoint. To authenticate with the Doc to Text API REST API, simply include your bearer token in the Authorization header.


Header Description
Authorization [Required] Should be Bearer access_key. See "Your API Access Key" above when you are subscribed.

Simple Transparent Pricing

No long term commitments. One click upgrade/downgrade or cancellation. No questions asked.

πŸš€ Enterprise
Starts at $10,000/Year

  • Custom Volume
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Service-level agreement (SLA)

Customer favorite features

  • βœ”οΈŽ Only Pay for Successful Requests
  • βœ”οΈŽ Free 7-Day Trial
  • βœ”οΈŽ Multi-Language Support
  • βœ”οΈŽ One API Key, All APIs.
  • βœ”οΈŽ Intuitive Dashboard
  • βœ”οΈŽ Comprehensive Error Handling
  • βœ”οΈŽ Developer-Friendly Docs
  • βœ”οΈŽ Postman Integration
  • βœ”οΈŽ Secure HTTPS Connections
  • βœ”οΈŽ Reliable Uptime

The DocToText API is a data extraction tool that converts a variety of document formats, including DOC, PDF, images, and emails, into plain text and HTML. It utilizes advanced OCR and email parsing capabilities to extract text from scanned documents and emails, making the content easily accessible for further processing.

The DocToText API supports a wide range of formats, including DOC, XLS, PPT, PDF, various email formats (EML, PST, OST), and image formats (JPG, PNG, TIFF). It also handles specialized formats like iWork (PAGES, NUMBERS, KEYNOTE) and Outlook (PST, OST), ensuring compatibility with diverse data sources.

The OCR technology integrated into the DocToText API is of high-grade quality. It is designed to accurately recognize text from scanned documents, images, and PDFs, ensuring reliable extraction even from complex or low-quality input sources.

Yes, the DocToText API is well-suited for both small tasks and large-scale data extraction projects. Its scalability allows it to efficiently process high volumes of documents, making it ideal for applications requiring extensive data extraction.

The primary functionality of the DocToText API is to extract plain text and HTML from documents. While it focuses on textual content, it may not retain intricate formatting or images during the conversion process.

Zyla API Hub is, in other words, an API MarketPlace. An all-in-one solution for your developing needs. You will be accessing our extended list of APIs with only your user. Also, you won't need to worry about storing API keys, only one API key for all our products is needed.

Prices are listed in USD. We accept all major debit and credit cards. Our payment system uses the latest security technology and is powered by Stripe, one of the world’s most reliable payment companies. If you have any trouble with paying by card, just contact us at [email protected]

Sometimes depending on the bank's fraud protection settings, a bank will decline the validation charge we make when we attempt to be sure a card is valid. We recommend first contacting your bank to see if they are blocking our charges. If more help is needed, please contact [email protected] and our team will investigate further

Prices are based on a recurring monthly subscription depending on the plan selected β€” plus overage fees applied when a developer exceeds a plan’s quota limits. In this example, you'll see the base plan amount as well as a quota limit of API requests. Be sure to notice the overage fee because you will be charged for each additional request.

Zyla API Hub works on a recurring monthly subscription system. Your billing cycle will start the day you purchase one of the paid plans, and it will renew the same day of the next month. So be aware to cancel your subscription beforehand if you want to avoid future charges.

Just go to the pricing page of that API and select the plan that you want to upgrade to. You will only be charged the full amount of that plan, but you will be enjoying the features that the plan offers right away.

Yes, absolutely. If you want to cancel your plan, simply go to your account and cancel on the Billing page. Upgrades, downgrades, and cancellations are immediate.

You can contact us through our chat channel to receive immediate assistance. We are always online from 9 am to 6 pm (GMT+1). If you reach us after that time, we will be in contact when we are back. Also you can contact us via email to [email protected]

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