Dota Two Heroes API

Dota Two Heroes API

The Dota Two Heroes API provides access to heroes' profiles, skills and history, which enhances player strategies, facilitates development and enriches the game experience.

API description

About the API:  

The Dota Two Heroes API emerges as a gateway to unlock the secrets of these legendary avatars, offering a wealth of information that allows players, developers and enthusiasts to delve deeper into the intricate tapestry of this game universe.

The Dota Two Heroes API is a dynamic tool that allows users to access a treasure trove of data, revealing the profiles, skills, biographies of the game's heroes. From iconic figures such as Axe and Warlock. The API unveils the ins and outs of each character, allowing players to master their strengths, exploit their weaknesses and orchestrate their strategies with precision.

Player empowerment lies at the heart of the Dota Two Heroes API. Players can meticulously study hero attributes, spell details to improve their gameplay. Armed with an understanding of hero synergies, they can make informed decisions during drafting phases and adapt their strategies on the fly, showcasing the depth of tactical prowess that Dota 2 demands.

For users, the Dota Two Heroes API is a treasure trove of possibilities. It facilitates the creation of add-on applications, websites and tools that provide information about heroes. Whether it's creating a hero guide platform, a team composition simulator or a real-time analytics dashboard, the API allows developers to enhance the Dota 2 experience and contribute to the ever-changing Dota 2 knowledge landscape.

Enthusiasts and history buffs will also find solace in the API's rich offering. Every hero comes with a backstory woven into the wider Dota 2 universe, and the API makes these tales accessible to those looking to immerse themselves in the narratives that bring the game's characters to life.

Security and accuracy are paramount to the Dota Two Heroes API. With data pulled directly from the game, the API ensures that the information provided is reliable and up-to-date, allowing players and developers to make informed decisions based on accurate data.

In conclusion, the Dota Two Heroes API is a testament to the intersection of technology, strategy and storytelling in the world of video games. By offering a vast reservoir of hero information, skills and lore, the API transcends mere data access and transforms into a conduit for mastery, innovation and immersion in the Dota 2 universe. As players, developers and enthusiasts continue to forge the destiny of the digital battlefield, the Dota Two Heroes API stands as an indomitable ally, offering a portal into the epic saga of these virtual legends.


What this API receives and what your API provides (input/output)?

It will receive parameters and provide you with a JSON.


What are the most common uses cases of this API?

  1. Improved player strategy: Players can analyze heroes' skills and attributes to optimize their in-game strategies and decision making.

  2. Draft ideas: Teams can use hero information to make their draft decisions, ensuring balanced compositions and countering opponents effectively.

  3. Esports analytics: Esports analysts and commentators can access hero data to provide insight and context during tournament broadcasts.

  4. Hero guide platforms: Users can create platforms that provide detailed guides and tips for each hero, helping players master their game.

  5. Team composition simulation: Tools can be created to simulate and visualize team compositions, allowing players to experiment with different combinations.


Are there any limitations to your plans?

Besides the number of API calls, there is no other limitation.

API Documentation


To use this endpoint you must indicate in the parameters the ID of a hero and the language you wish to receive the response.

Available languages: (english, spanish, french, italian, german, greek, koreana, schinese, tchinese, russian, thai, japanese, portuguese, brazilian, polish, danish, dutch, finnish, norwegian, swedish, czech, hungarian, romanian, bulgarian, turkish, ukrainian).


Get Heroes by ID - Endpoint Features
Object Description
id [Required]
language [Required]
Test Endpoint


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            {"id":10,"name":"npc_dota_hero_morphling","order_id":11,"name_loc":"Morphling","bio_loc":"For dark eons the comet circled. Held in thrall to a distant sun, bound by gravity's inexorable pull, the massive ball of ice careened through the blackness between worlds, made strange by its dark journey. On the eve of the ancient war of the Vloy, it punched down through the sky and lit a glowing trail across the night, a sign both armies took for an omen. The frozen ball melted in a flash of boiling heat, as below two forces enjoined in battle across the border of a narrow river. Thus freed from its icy stasis, the Morphling was born into conflict, an elemental power at one with the tides of the ocean, capricious and unconstrained. He entered the fight, instinctively taking the form of the first general who dared set foot across the water, and then struck him dead. As the motley warriors clashed, he shifted from form to form throughout the battle, instantly absorbing the ways of these strange creatures--now a footsoldier, now an archer, now the cavalryman--until, by the time the last soldier fell, Morphling had played every part. The battle's end was his beginning.","hype_loc":"Shifting his attributes to suit his situation, Morphling can be as <b>elusive</b> as he is deadly. Whether <b>riding a wave</b> to flank an enemy, or boosting his health before escaping into his <b>deceptive replication</b>, few can hope to corner him.","npe_desc_loc":"Rides the waves to flank enemies","str_base":23,"str_gain":3.2,"agi_base":24,"agi_gain":3.9,"int_base":19,"int_gain":1.8,"primary_attr":1,"complexity":3,"attack_capability":2,"role_levels":[3,0,1,1,0,2,3,0,0],"damage_min":33,"damage_max":42,"attack_rate":1.5,"attack_range":350,"projectile_speed":1300,"armor":2,"magic_resistance":25,"movement_speed":285,"turn_rate":0.7,"sight_range_day":1800,"sight_range_night":800,"max_health":626,"health_regen":2.8,"max_mana":303,"mana_regen":1.45,"abilities":[{"id":5052,"name":"morphling_waveform","name_loc":"Waveform","desc_loc":"Morphling dissolves into liquid and surges forward, damaging enemy units in his path.  Morphling is invulnerable during Waveform.","lore_loc":"A torrential flood takes enemies by force.","notes_loc":[],"shard_loc":"","scepter_loc":"","type":0,"behavior":"134742032","target_team":0,"target_type":0,"flags":0,"damage":2,"immunity":4,"dispellable":0,"max_level":4,"cast_ranges":[700,800,900,1000],"cast_points":[0.25],"channel_times":[0],"cooldowns":[21,18,15,12],"durations":[0],"damages":[75,150,225,300],"mana_costs":[130],"gold_costs":[],"health_costs":[],"special_values":[{"name":"speed","values_float":[1250],"is_percentage":false,"heading_loc":"","bonuses":[],"values_shard":[],"values_scepter":[]},{"name":"width","values_float":[200],"is_percentage":false,"heading_loc":"","bonuses":[],"values_shard":[],"values_scepter":[]},{"name":"#AbilityDamage","values_float":[75,150,225,300],"is_percentage":false,"heading_loc":"","bonuses":[],"values_shard":[],"values_scepter":[]},{"name":"AbilityCastRange","values_float":[700,800,900,1000],"is_percentage":false,"heading_loc":"CAST RANGE:","bonuses":[{"name":"special_bonus_unique_morphling_1","value":250,"operation":0}],"values_shard":[],"values_scepter":[]},{"name":"AbilityChannelTime","values_float":[0],"is_percentage":false,"heading_loc":"","bonuses":[],"values_shard":[],"values_scepter":[]},{"name":"AbilityDuration","values_float":[0],"is_percentage":false,"heading_loc":"","bonuses":[],"values_shard":[],"values_scepter":[]},{"name":"AbilityCastPoint","values_float":[0.25],"is_percentage":false,"heading_loc":"","bonuses":[],"values_shard":[],"values_scepter":[]},{"name":"AbilityCharges","values_float":[0],"is_percentage":false,"heading_loc":"","bonuses":[{"name":"special_bonus_unique_morphling_6","value":2,"operation":0}],"values_shard":[],"values_scepter":[]},{"name":"AbilityChargeRestoreTime","values_float":[0],"is_percentage":false,"heading_loc":"","bonuses":[],"values_shard":[],"values_scepter":[]},{"name":"AbilityManaCost","values_float":[130],"is_percentage":false,"heading_loc":"","bonuses":[],"values_shard":[],"values_scepter":[]},{"name":"AbilityCooldown","values_float":[21,18,15,12],"is_percentage":false,"heading_loc":"","bonuses":[{"name":"special_bonus_unique_morphling_waveform_cooldown","value":40,"operation":4}],"values_shard":[],"values_scepter":[]}],"is_item":false,"ability_has_scepter":false,"ability_has_shard":false,"ability_is_granted_by_scepter":false,"ability_is_granted_by_shard":false,"item_cost":0,"item_initial_charges":0,"item_neutral_tier":4294967295,"item_stock_max":0,"item_stock_time":0,"item_quality":0,"thumb_image":"","video_webm":"","video_mp4":""},{"id":5053,"name":"morphling_adaptive_strike_agi","name_loc":"Adaptive Strike (Agility)","desc_loc":"Launches a surge of water toward an enemy unit, dealing base damage plus additional damage based on Morphling's agility times a multiplier.  If Morphling's agility is 50% higher than strength, the maximum agility multiplier is used. Passively grants bonus Agility. \n\n Also puts Adaptive Strike (Strength) on a %shared_cooldown% second cooldown.","lore_loc":"The Morphling calls upon his elements to crush his opponents with waves.","notes_loc":["Projectile moves at %projectile_speed% speed."],"shard_loc":"Increases bonus Agility.","scepter_loc":"","type":0,"behavior":"8","target_team":2,"target_type":19,"flags":0,"damage":2,"immunity":4,"dispellable":0,"max_level":4,"cast_ranges":[600,700,800,900],"cast_points":[0.25],"channel_times":[0],"cooldowns":[16,14,12,10],"durations":[0],"damages":[0,0,0,0],"mana_costs":[40,50,60,70],"gold_costs":[],"health_costs":[],"special_values":[{"name":"damage_base","values_float":[55,65,75,85],"is_percentage":false,"heading_loc":"BASE DAMAGE:","bonuses":[],"values_shard":[],"values_scepter":[]},{"name":"damage_min","values_float":[0.5],"is_percentage":false,"heading_loc":"DAMAGE MIN AGI MULTIPLIER:","bonuses":[],"values_shard":[],"values_scepter":[]},{"name":"damage_max","values_float":[1,1.5,2,2.5],"is_percentage":false,"heading_loc":"DAMAGE MAX AGI MULTIPLIER:","bonuses":[],"values_shard":[],"values_scepter":[]},{"name":"projectile_speed","values_float":[1150],"is_percentage":false,"heading_loc":"","bonuses":[],"values_shard":[],"values_scepter":[]},{"name":"shared_cooldown","values_float":[3],"is_percentage":false,"heading_loc":"","bonuses":[],"values_shard":[],"values_scepter":[]},{"name":"bonus_attributes","values_float":[3,5,7,9],"is_percentage":false,"heading_loc":"BONUS AGILITY:","bonuses":[],"values_shard":[6],"values_scepter":[]},{"name":"AbilityCastRange","values_float":[600,700,800,900],"is_percentage":false,"heading_loc":"CAST RANGE:","bonuses":[],"values_shard":[],"values_scepter":[]},{"name":"AbilityChannelTime","values_float":[0],"is_percentage":false,"heading_loc":"","bonuses":[],"values_shard":[],"values_scepter":[]},{"name":"AbilityDuration","values_float":[0],"is_percentage":false,"heading_loc":"","bonuses":[],"values_shard":[],"values_scepter":[]},{"name":"AbilityCastPoint","values_float":[0.25],"is_percentage":false,"heading_loc":"","bonuses":[],"values_shard":[],"values_scepter":[]},{"name":"AbilityCharges","values_float":[0],"is_percentage":false,"heading_loc":"","bonuses":[],"values_shard":[],"values_scepter":[]},{"name":"AbilityChargeRestoreTime","values_float":[0],"is_percentage":false,"heading_loc":"","bonuses":[],"values_shard":[],"values_scepter":[]},{"name":"AbilityManaCost","values_float":[40,50,60,70],"is_percentage":false,"heading_loc":"","bonuses":[],"values_shard":[],"values_scepter":[]},{"name":"AbilityCooldown","values_float":[16,14,12,10],"is_percentage":false,"heading_loc":"","bonuses":[],"values_shard":[],"values_scepter":[]}],"is_item":false,"ability_has_scepter":false,"ability_has_shard":true,"ability_is_granted_by_scepter":false,"ability_is_granted_by_shard":false,"item_cost":0,"item_initial_charges":0,"item_neutral_tier":4294967295,"item_stock_max":0,"item_stock_time":0,"item_quality":0,"thumb_image":"","video_webm":"","video_mp4":""},{"id":7000,"name":"morphling_adaptive_strike_str","name_loc":"Adaptive Strike (Strength)","desc_loc":"Launches a surge of water toward an enemy unit, stunning and knocking back the target based on Morphling's strength. If his strength is 50% higher than his agility, the maximum stun/knockback is dealt. Passively grants bonus Strength. \n\n Also puts Adaptive Strike (Agility) on a %shared_cooldown% second cooldown.","lore_loc":"The Morphling calls upon his elements to crush his opponents with waves.","notes_loc":["Projectile moves at %projectile_speed% speed."],"shard_loc":"Increases bonus Strength.","scepter_loc":"","type":0,"behavior":"8","target_team":2,"target_type":19,"flags":0,"damage":0,"immunity":4,"dispellable":1,"max_level":4,"cast_ranges":[600,700,800,900],"cast_points":[0.25],"channel_times":[0],"cooldowns":[16,14,12,10],"durations":[0],"damages":[0,0,0,0],"mana_costs":[40,50,60,70],"gold_costs":[],"health_costs":[],"special_values":[{"name":"stun_min","values_float":[0.5],"is_percentage":false,"heading_loc":"STUN MIN:","bonuses":[{"name":"special_bonus_unique_morphling_10","value":0.8,"operation":0}],"values_shard":[],"values_scepter":[]},{"name":"stun_max","values_float":[1.2,1.6,2,2.4],"is_percentage":false,"heading_loc":"STUN MAX:...

Get Heroes by ID - CODE SNIPPETS

curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


This API provides you with detailed information about all available Dota 2 heroes.


Test Endpoint


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            {"Example Response":"No response example available for now."}

Get All Heroes - CODE SNIPPETS

curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


API Access Key & Authentication

After signing up, every developer is assigned a personal API access key, a unique combination of letters and digits provided to access to our API endpoint. To authenticate with the Dota Two Heroes API REST API, simply include your bearer token in the Authorization header.


Header Description
Authorization [Required] Should be Bearer access_key. See "Your API Access Key" above when you are subscribed.

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To use this API the user must indicate the ID of a hero along with the language you want to receive the response.

There are different plans suits everyone including a free trial for small amount of requests, but it’s rate is limit to prevent abuse of the service.

Zyla provides a wide range of integration methods for almost all programming languages. You can use these codes to integrate with your project as you need.

This API provides you with detailed information about all available Dota 2 heroes.

Zyla API Hub is, in other words, an API MarketPlace. An all-in-one solution for your developing needs. You will be accessing our extended list of APIs with only your user. Also, you won't need to worry about storing API keys, only one API key for all our products is needed.

Prices are listed in USD. We accept all major debit and credit cards. Our payment system uses the latest security technology and is powered by Stripe, one of the world’s most reliable payment companies. If you have any trouble with paying by card, just contact us at [email protected]

Sometimes depending on the bank's fraud protection settings, a bank will decline the validation charge we make when we attempt to be sure a card is valid. We recommend first contacting your bank to see if they are blocking our charges. If more help is needed, please contact [email protected] and our team will investigate further

Prices are based on a recurring monthly subscription depending on the plan selected β€” plus overage fees applied when a developer exceeds a plan’s quota limits. In this example, you'll see the base plan amount as well as a quota limit of API requests. Be sure to notice the overage fee because you will be charged for each additional request.

Zyla API Hub works on a recurring monthly subscription system. Your billing cycle will start the day you purchase one of the paid plans, and it will renew the same day of the next month. So be aware to cancel your subscription beforehand if you want to avoid future charges.

Just go to the pricing page of that API and select the plan that you want to upgrade to. You will only be charged the full amount of that plan, but you will be enjoying the features that the plan offers right away.

Yes, absolutely. If you want to cancel your plan, simply go to your account and cancel on the Billing page. Upgrades, downgrades, and cancellations are immediate.

You can contact us through our chat channel to receive immediate assistance. We are always online from 9 am to 6 pm (GMT+1). If you reach us after that time, we will be in contact when we are back. Also you can contact us via email to [email protected]

 Service Level
 Response Time



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