German Horoscope API

German Horoscope API

Instantly retrieve daily horoscope forecasts in German with the help of our accessible German Horoscope API.

API description

About the API:  

Our German Horoscope API integrates seamlessly into various platforms such as apps, websites and services, offering comprehensive astrological information and forecasts in German.

An important feature is the provision of accurate and personalized horoscopes based on users' zodiac signs, ensuring consistent guidance and predictions. Users can access daily horoscopes containing details about their love life, career prospects and health, tailored to their zodiac signs.

Additionally, the API facilitates compatibility assessments between different zodiac signs, allowing users to explore astrological impacts on interpersonal relationships. This feature allows users to develop applications that offer information about compatibility with other people based on their zodiac signs, helping them make informed decisions about their relationships.

In addition to horoscopes and compatibility analyses, the API provides various complementary data, such as mood indicators, lucky colors, lucky numbers, and auspicious times. Users can leverage this extensive data set to create applications that provide them with a comprehensive understanding of astrology, covering its historical background, essential principles, and modern applications.


 What this API receives and what your API provides (input/output)?

You will receive a parameter and provide it with a text.


What are the most common uses cases of this API?

  1. Daily horoscopes: Users can receive personalized daily horoscopes based on their sign. This can be integrated into mobile applications, websites or social media platforms to provide users with regular astrological information and guidance.

    Compatibility Analysis: Users can determine their compatibility with other people based on their zodiac signs and other astrological factors. This can be useful on dating apps, social media platforms, or relationship advice websites to help users make informed decisions about their relationships.

    Astrology Content Generation: Content creators can use this API to generate astrology-related content such as blog posts, social media posts, or newsletters. This can provide users with engaging and personalized astrological content that resonates with their interests.

    Personalized product recommendations: E-commerce platforms can level up to provide users with personalized product recommendations based on their zodiac sign or other astrological factors. For example, a beauty or fashion app could recommend products based on the user's zodiac sign or birth chart, creating a unique and personalized shopping experience.

    Social Media Features: Social media platforms can integrate this API to offer astrology-themed features such as daily horoscope updates, zodiac sign quizzes, or compatibility tests. This can improve user engagement and provide a fun, interactive experience for users interested in astrology.


Are there any limitations to your plans?

Besides the number of API calls, there is no other limitation.

API Documentation


Users must indicate a sign in the parameter.


Get Horoscope - Endpoint Features
Object Description
Test Endpoint


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ["Taureau :\nVous \u00eates connu pour votre nature patiente et fiable. Ce mois-ci, vous pourriez ressentir le besoin de prendre du temps pour vous-m\u00eame et de vous reconnecter \u00e0 votre spiritualit\u00e9. Restez \u00e0 l'\u00e9coute de vos instincts et \u00e9coutez votre intuition. Des opportunit\u00e9s inattendues pourraient surgir, alors soyez pr\u00eat \u00e0 saisir ces moments de chance. Restez concentr\u00e9 sur vos objectifs et ne laissez pas les distractions vous \u00e9loigner de votre chemin. Vous avez un grand potentiel pour atteindre vos aspirations si vous restez d\u00e9termin\u00e9 et concentr\u00e9."]

Get Horoscope - CODE SNIPPETS

curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


API Access Key & Authentication

After signing up, every developer is assigned a personal API access key, a unique combination of letters and digits provided to access to our API endpoint. To authenticate with the German Horoscope API REST API, simply include your bearer token in the Authorization header.


Header Description
Authorization [Required] Should be Bearer access_key. See "Your API Access Key" above when you are subscribed.

Simple Transparent Pricing

No long term commitments. One click upgrade/downgrade or cancellation. No questions asked.

🚀 Enterprise
Starts at $10,000/Year

  • Custom Volume
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Service-level agreement (SLA)

Customer favorite features

  • ✔︎ Only Pay for Successful Requests
  • ✔︎ Free 7-Day Trial
  • ✔︎ Multi-Language Support
  • ✔︎ One API Key, All APIs.
  • ✔︎ Intuitive Dashboard
  • ✔︎ Comprehensive Error Handling
  • ✔︎ Developer-Friendly Docs
  • ✔︎ Postman Integration
  • ✔︎ Secure HTTPS Connections
  • ✔︎ Reliable Uptime

There are different plans to suit all tastes, including a free trial for a small number of requests, but your rate is limited to avoid abuse of the service.

Zyla provides a wide range of integration methods for almost all programming languages. You can use these codes to integrate with your project as you need.

Users must indicate a sign to obtain their horoscope.

The French Horoscope API provides users with horoscope information in the french language. It offers information on astrological forecasts and predictions based on zodiac signs.

Zyla API Hub is, in other words, an API MarketPlace. An all-in-one solution for your developing needs. You will be accessing our extended list of APIs with only your user. Also, you won't need to worry about storing API keys, only one API key for all our products is needed.

Prices are listed in USD. We accept all major debit and credit cards. Our payment system uses the latest security technology and is powered by Stripe, one of the world’s most reliable payment companies. If you have any trouble with paying by card, just contact us at [email protected]

Sometimes depending on the bank's fraud protection settings, a bank will decline the validation charge we make when we attempt to be sure a card is valid. We recommend first contacting your bank to see if they are blocking our charges. If more help is needed, please contact [email protected] and our team will investigate further

Prices are based on a recurring monthly subscription depending on the plan selected — plus overage fees applied when a developer exceeds a plan’s quota limits. In this example, you'll see the base plan amount as well as a quota limit of API requests. Be sure to notice the overage fee because you will be charged for each additional request.

Zyla API Hub works on a recurring monthly subscription system. Your billing cycle will start the day you purchase one of the paid plans, and it will renew the same day of the next month. So be aware to cancel your subscription beforehand if you want to avoid future charges.

Just go to the pricing page of that API and select the plan that you want to upgrade to. You will only be charged the full amount of that plan, but you will be enjoying the features that the plan offers right away.

Yes, absolutely. If you want to cancel your plan, simply go to your account and cancel on the Billing page. Upgrades, downgrades, and cancellations are immediate.

You can contact us through our chat channel to receive immediate assistance. We are always online from 9 am to 6 pm (GMT+1). If you reach us after that time, we will be in contact when we are back. Also you can contact us via email to [email protected]

 Service Level
 Response Time



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