Moon Data API

Moon Data API

Introducing Moon Data API: Unleash the power of lunar insights with our comprehensive solution. Get real-time access to essential information, including the Moon's general data, distance, angular diameter, illumination, phase, hour angle, elliptic position, celestial position, and horizontal position. Harness the celestial wisdom to enhance your applications, research, and astronomical pursuits. Explore the lunar frontier like never before with Moon Data API – your gateway to lunar enlightenment.

API description

About the API: 

Experience the vast lunar realm like never before with Moon Data API, a cutting-edge solution that unlocks a trove of celestial insights. Seamlessly integrating into your applications and research, this comprehensive API provides access to an extensive array of moon-related data, empowering you to explore and harness the profound wisdom of Earth's enigmatic satellite.

Gain a deeper understanding of the Moon's fascinating characteristics through our API's meticulously curated collection of information. Discover the Moon's general data, including vital statistics such as distance, angular diameter, and illumination. Unravel the lunar cycle with precision as you access real-time data on the Moon's phase, hour angle, and elliptic position.

Our Moon Data API not only offers fundamental measurements but also opens a gateway to celestial positioning. Effortlessly ascertain the Moon's celestial position, allowing you to comprehend its precise location within the celestial sphere. Visualize the Moon's horizontal position in the sky, enabling you to observe its placement with remarkable accuracy.

Whether you're an astronomer, researcher, or space enthusiast, Moon Data API caters to your lunar needs. Stay up-to-date with the Moon's ever-changing attributes and optimize your astronomical endeavors with seamless data integration. Leverage this wealth of lunar knowledge to enhance your understanding of celestial phenomena, power interactive sky maps, or fuel groundbreaking research projects.

Our team of experts has meticulously curated the Moon Data API, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of every piece of information provided. The API seamlessly delivers real-time updates, guaranteeing that you have access to the latest lunar insights. Embrace the lunar journey with confidence, knowing that our API is built on a foundation of rigorous data quality and cutting-edge technology.

Integrate Moon Data API into your applications and unlock a world of possibilities. Enrich educational platforms, create captivating stargazing apps, or enhance your astrophysical research with our comprehensive lunar data. Immerse yourself in the celestial beauty, and let Moon Data API illuminate your path to lunar enlightenment.

Embark on a cosmic adventure and uncover the mysteries of the Moon with Moon Data API – your key to unlocking the secrets of the lunar realm.


What this API receives and what your API provides (input/output)?

Call the API and receive relevant Moon data. 


What are the most common uses cases of this API?

  1. Astronomy and Space Exploration Applications: Moon Data API can be integrated into astronomy and space exploration applications to provide real-time information about the Moon's position, phase, and other relevant data. Researchers and astronomers can utilize this data to plan observations, track lunar events, and enhance their understanding of celestial phenomena.

  2. Educational Platforms: Incorporate Moon Data API into educational platforms to engage students in learning about the Moon. By accessing up-to-date lunar data, students can explore the Moon's characteristics, study its phases, and understand the relationship between the Moon and Earth. Interactive visualizations and educational tools powered by the API can facilitate a deeper understanding of lunar science.

  3. Astrological and Astrological Services: Moon Data API can be leveraged by astrologers and astrology-based services to provide accurate and detailed information about the Moon's phase, position, and illumination. This enables astrologers to create precise horoscopes, determine auspicious timings, and offer personalized insights based on lunar influences.

  4. Sky Mapping and Stargazing Apps: Enhance sky mapping and stargazing applications by integrating Moon Data API. Users can identify the Moon's current position and phase, enabling them to accurately locate and observe the Moon in the night sky. Such apps can also provide augmented reality experiences, where users can visualize the Moon's position overlaid on their device's camera view.

  5. Research and Scientific Studies: Researchers in various disciplines, such as geophysics, climatology, and environmental science, can utilize Moon Data API to study the Moon's impact on Earth. By accessing data on the Moon's distance, angular diameter, and other parameters, researchers can analyze correlations between lunar phenomena and Earth-based observations, leading to new discoveries and insights.


Are there any limitations to your plans?

Besides the number of API calls, there is no other limitation

API Documentation


Returns general data about the Moon.



Moon General Data - Endpoint Features
Object Description
units [Required] Sets length units, API would use in response. Options: Meters - m Kilometers - km Miles - mi Nautical miles - nmi Astronomical units - au Light seconds - ls Yards - yd Foots - ft Inches - in Centimeters - cm If not specified, meters will be taken as units of length.
angle-units [Required] Sets length units, API would use in response. Options: Meters - m Kilometers - km Miles - mi Nautical miles - nmi Astronomical units - au Light seconds - ls Yards - yd Foots - ft Inches - in Centimeters - cm If not specified, meters will be taken as units of length.
Test Endpoint



Moon General Data - CODE SNIPPETS

curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


Returns Moon distance at some instant.



Moon Distance - Endpoint Features
Object Description
date-time [Required] Parameter to set the instant when the calculation is performed. It's format is YYYY-MM-DD-YY-MM-SS. If the time is not in UTC timezone, you have to use special parameter called timezone to set that. If parameter is not specified, the request time will be taken instead.
timezone [Required] Sets timezone for the time. If not specified, UTC+0 timezone would be taken instead.
length-units [Required] Sets length units, API would use in response. Options: Meters - m Kilometers - km Miles - mi Nautical miles - nmi Astronomical units - au Light seconds - ls Yards - yd Foots - ft Inches - in Centimeters - cm If not specified, meters will be taken as units of length.
Test Endpoint


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            {"dateTime":"2022-7-11-6-30-0 UTC+3","lengthUnits":"km","distance":361371.7407054629}

Moon Distance - CODE SNIPPETS

curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


Returns Moon angular diameter at a given instant.



Moon Angular Diameter - Endpoint Features
Object Description
date-time [Required] Parameter to set the instant when the calculation is performed. It's format is YYYY-MM-DD-YY-MM-SS. If the time is not in UTC timezone, you have to use special parameter called timezone to set that. If parameter is not specified, the request time will be taken instead.
timezone [Required] Sets timezone for the time. If not specified, UTC+0 timezone would be taken instead.
angle-units [Required] Sets angle units, API would use in response. Options: Radians - rad Degrees - deg Turns - tr Arc minutes - am Arc seconds - as Milliradians - mrad If not specified, radians will be taken as units of length.
Test Endpoint


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            {"dateTime":"2022-7-11-6-30-0 UTC+3","angleUnits":"am","angularDiameter":33.055716084736375}

Moon Angular Diameter - CODE SNIPPETS

curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


Returns a fraction of the Moon which is lit at some instant in time.



Moon Ilumination - Endpoint Features
Object Description
date-time [Required] Parameter to set the instant when the calculation is performed. It's format is YYYY-MM-DD-YY-MM-SS. If the time is not in UTC timezone, you have to use special parameter called timezone to set that. If parameter is not specified, the request time will be taken instead.
timezone [Required] Sets timezone for the time. If not specified, UTC+0 timezone would be taken instead.
Test Endpoint


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            {"dateTime":"2022-7-11-6-30-0 UTC+3","illumination":0.907853293726515}

Moon Ilumination - CODE SNIPPETS

curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


Returns Moon phase and other data connected to it at some instant.



Moon Phase - Endpoint Features
Object Description
date-time [Required] Parameter to set the point in time when the calculation is done. It's format is YYYY-MM-DD-YY-MM-SS. If the time is not in UTC timezone, you have to use special parameter to set that. If parameter is not specified, the request time will be taken instead.
timezone [Required] Sets timezone for the time. If not specified, UTC+0 timezone would be taken instead.
angle-units [Required] Sets angle units, API would use in response. Options: Radians - rad Degrees - deg Turns - tr Arc minutes - am Arc seconds - as Milliradians - mrad If not specified, radians will be taken as units of length.
Test Endpoint


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            {"dateTime":"2022-7-11-6-30-0 UTC+3","angleUnits":"deg","phaseAngle":35.34272495864389,"phase":0.4539266468632575,"phaseName":"Waxing Gibbous","phaseAge":13.404721244666996}


curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


Returns moon hour angle at some instant.



Moon Hour Angle - Endpoint Features
Object Description
location [Required] Location on Earth surface from which calculations are performed. It's format is LAT, LON. Latitude and longitude must be specified in degrees. Latitude is positive in northern hemisphere and negative in southern. Longitude is positive east of the 0 meridian and negative west.
date-time [Required] Parameter to set the instant when the calculation is performed. It's format is YYYY-MM-DD-YY-MM-SS. If the time is not in UTC timezone, you have to use special parameter called timezone to set that. If parameter is not specified, the request time will be taken instead.
timezone [Required] Sets timezone for the time. If not specified, UTC+0 timezone would be taken instead.
angle-units [Required] Sets angle units, API would use in response. Options: Radians - rad Degrees - deg Turns - tr Arc minutes - am Arc seconds - as Milliradians - mrad If not specified, radians will be taken as units of length.
Test Endpoint


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            {"dateTime":"2022-7-11-6-30-0 UTC+3","location":{"latitude":50.45001903911259,"longitude":30.52334391405014},"angleUnits":"deg","hourAngle":-194.58262660499415}

Moon Hour Angle - CODE SNIPPETS

curl --location --request GET ' , 30.523333&date-time=2022-07-11-09-30-00&timezone=+3&angle-units=deg' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


Returns Moon elliptic position (latitude and longitude) at some instant. Latitude and longitude are expressed as angles.


Moon Elliptic Position - Endpoint Features
Object Description
date-time [Required] Parameter to set the instant when the calculation is performed. It's format is YYYY-MM-DD-YY-MM-SS. If the time is not in UTC timezone, you have to use special parameter called timezone to set that. If parameter is not specified, the request time will be taken instead.
timezone [Required] Sets timezone for the time. If not specified, UTC+0 timezone would be taken instead.
angle-units [Required] Sets angle units, API would use in response. Options: Radians - rad Degrees - deg Turns - tr Arc minutes - am Arc seconds - as Milliradians - mrad If not specified, radians will be taken as units of length.
Test Endpoint


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            {"dateTime":"2022-7-11-6-30-0 UTC+3","elipticPosition":{"latitude":-1.9514265428255169,"longitude":253.42314268860042}}

Moon Elliptic Position - CODE SNIPPETS

curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


Returns Moon celestial position (right ascension and declination) at some instant. Right ascension and declination are expressed as angles.


Moon Celestial Position - Endpoint Features
Object Description
date-time [Required] Parameter to set the instant when the calculation is performed. It's format is YYYY-MM-DD-YY-MM-SS. If the time is not in UTC timezone, you have to use special parameter called timezone to set that. If parameter is not specified, the request time will be taken instead.
timezone [Required] Sets timezone for the time. If not specified, UTC+0 timezone would be taken instead.
angle-units [Required] Sets angle units, API would use in response. Options: Radians - rad Degrees - deg Turns - tr Arc minutes - am Arc seconds - as Milliradians - mrad If not specified, radians will be taken as units of length.
Test Endpoint


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            {"dateTime":"2022-7-11-6-30-0 UTC+3","celestialPosition":{"rightAscension":251.76160978055378,"declination":-24.347640558034556}}

Moon Celestial Position - CODE SNIPPETS

curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


Returns Moon horizontal position (azimuth and altitude). Azimuth and altitude are expressed as angles.



Moon Horizontal Position - Endpoint Features
Object Description
location [Required] Location on Earth surface from which calculations are performed. It's format is LAT, LON. Latitude and longitude must be specified in degrees. Latitude is positive in northern hemisphere and negative in southern. Longitude is positive east of the 0 meridian and negative west.
date-time [Required] Parameter to set the instant when the calculation is performed. It's format is YYYY-MM-DD-YY-MM-SS. If the time is not in UTC timezone, you have to use special parameter called timezone to set that. If parameter is not specified, the request time will be taken instead.
timezone [Required] Sets timezone for the time. If not specified, UTC+0 timezone would be taken instead.
angle-units [Required] Sets angle units, API would use in response. Options: Radians - rad Degrees - deg Turns - tr Arc minutes - am Arc seconds - as Milliradians - mrad If not specified, radians will be taken as units of length.
Test Endpoint


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            {"dateTime":"2022-7-11-6-30-0 UTC+3","location":{"latitude":50.45001903911259,"longitude":30.52334391405014},"horizontalPosition":{"azimuth":331.20601032612404,"altitude":-61.0766679416633}}

Moon Horizontal Position - CODE SNIPPETS

curl --location --request GET ' , 30.523333&date-time=2022-07-11-09-30-00&timezone=+3&angle-units=deg' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


API Access Key & Authentication

After signing up, every developer is assigned a personal API access key, a unique combination of letters and digits provided to access to our API endpoint. To authenticate with the Moon Data API REST API, simply include your bearer token in the Authorization header.


Header Description
Authorization [Required] Should be Bearer access_key. See "Your API Access Key" above when you are subscribed.

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Yes, Moon Data API provides phase and illumination data for any specified date.

Yes, Moon Data API enables real-time tracking of the Moon for live sky maps.

Moon Data API is regularly updated to provide accurate and up-to-date lunar data.

Yes, Moon Data API offers historical data for analyzing long-term lunar patterns.

Moon Data API offers flexible usage plans to accommodate high-traffic applications.

Yes, Moon Data API provides data on lunar eclipses and notable lunar events.

Zyla API Hub is, in other words, an API MarketPlace. An all-in-one solution for your developing needs. You will be accessing our extended list of APIs with only your user. Also, you won't need to worry about storing API keys, only one API key for all our products is needed.

Prices are listed in USD. We accept all major debit and credit cards. Our payment system uses the latest security technology and is powered by Stripe, one of the world’s most reliable payment companies. If you have any trouble with paying by card, just contact us at [email protected]

Sometimes depending on the bank's fraud protection settings, a bank will decline the validation charge we make when we attempt to be sure a card is valid. We recommend first contacting your bank to see if they are blocking our charges. If more help is needed, please contact [email protected] and our team will investigate further

Prices are based on a recurring monthly subscription depending on the plan selected β€” plus overage fees applied when a developer exceeds a plan’s quota limits. In this example, you'll see the base plan amount as well as a quota limit of API requests. Be sure to notice the overage fee because you will be charged for each additional request.

Zyla API Hub works on a recurring monthly subscription system. Your billing cycle will start the day you purchase one of the paid plans, and it will renew the same day of the next month. So be aware to cancel your subscription beforehand if you want to avoid future charges.

Just go to the pricing page of that API and select the plan that you want to upgrade to. You will only be charged the full amount of that plan, but you will be enjoying the features that the plan offers right away.

Yes, absolutely. If you want to cancel your plan, simply go to your account and cancel on the Billing page. Upgrades, downgrades, and cancellations are immediate.

You can contact us through our chat channel to receive immediate assistance. We are always online from 9 am to 6 pm (GMT+1). If you reach us after that time, we will be in contact when we are back. Also you can contact us via email to [email protected]

 Service Level
 Response Time



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